Create An Account

Register a new Nanomix product support account. Registration requires confirmation from Nanomix which may take up to 48 hours. If you are not the administrator, but need to get access to lot codes, ask your site administrator to create a user account for you.

Nanomix support accounts are reserved for current customers. For sales requests, please email

Company Information

If outside the US, include country code, like +44 20 7123 1234
Administrator 1

If outside the US, include country code, like +44 20 7123 1234
Administrator 2

If outside the US, include country code, like +44 20 7123 1234

Note: The account is subject to approval by Nanomix and may take up to 48 hours to approve. You will receive an email when the account has been approved and activated.

Passwords for each account will be emailed to each administrator. After login, passwords may be changed in the account profile. If you do not see the email with the password, please check your email spam folder as sometimes auto emails can be filtered to spam.

* Denotes required fields.